A great gift for the workaholic in your life
Recently CBC ran an article called, “Three books about doing nothing to find balance in a hustle culture”. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to discover that I’d already read two of them.
I am only recommending one. I actually think this book was written to give people who’d read the other one a better book to read
Books about slowing down
If your life feels like a treadmill, and you are wondering how to stop running yourself ragged and slow down the pace of your life, I am highly recommending Celeste Headlee’s Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving.
You may remember Celeste Headlee from her amazing Ted Talk on how to have great conversations.
If you’ve never seen it, here she is delivering a very memorable talk.
I’m really glad she decided to write this book.
It is a terrific reminder to just slow down!