In 2022, I took a course from Google courses. You may be thinking, “What do you mean Google Courses? Did you just google a course and take the course?”
No, Google now has an education wing that offers several career certificates. Grow with Google offers training in high-growth fields through Coursera.
In 2022, I completed my Project Management certificate through Grow With Google.
Let me just say that google spared no expense in creating this course. It is extremely thorough and very professionally done. It is taught by the top project managers at Google.
I immediately told several people to sign up for the course and a few of them did.
Part way through the course, we learned about the credo that made Google Google.
This is the thing that they would say set them on the right path to becoming the global search giant that they have become.
That thing is OKRs.
OKRs are objectives and key results.
It means in short, a way of doing business that clearly defines what success looks like before starting anything.
The master of OKRs is John Doerr.
In his book, “Measure what matters,” he explains how he came to value OKRs, and how many other globally known organizations have implemented them.
I bought this book while I was taking this course and I highly recommend it to any business owner, small business owner, leader, or startup founder.
- It will help to keep you on track.
- It will help to keep your entire team on track.
- It will prevent you from wasting time.
I am due for a re-read of this book in a few weeks and I know that over the course of my career, it is a book that I will call upon time and time again.